ideas & advice
You Should Write and Publish a Book: Here's How!
The ultimate guide to writing and publishing your own nonfiction book this year
Founder of Suggestion Ox (CEO) and TeamSnap. Author. Improviser. Rogue life coach.
ideas & advice
The ultimate guide to writing and publishing your own nonfiction book this year
ideas & advice
One of my favorite parts of working at TeamSnap is the opportunity to mentor people. It's how I learn the most. Before I head out on sabbatical next week, here are 90 pieces of advice I shared with the company for the 90 days I'll be gone.
ideas & advice
I have a friend who accidentally paid $23,000 for 12 massages. She's a smart professional who works with million-dollar budgets. When she was comparing job offers from two competing companies she made a classic mistake One company was offering $160,000 and the other $184,000. Both
ideas & advice
Here's how you will spend your life: * Your job — 90,000 hours. * Sleeping — 230,000 hours. * Family, eating, hobbies, travel, pets, faith, entertainment, sex, exercise, shopping, TikTok, waiting in line at the post office — Whatever time is left over. You should love your career. Not like it. Not
ideas & advice
People worry WAY too much about getting fired: "If I speak up about my workload I'll lose my job." "If I ask for a raise they'll replace me." "If I give my boss candid feedback I'll get axed."
ideas & advice
Creating a great résumé that gets noticed is a powerful skill. Unfortunately, you suck at it. What's worse, even if you're the rare exception with mad résumé skills, chances are you'll still create something terrible because we're all bad at self-promotion. Just
ideas & advice
You probably think it's in bad taste (or forbidden) to share how much you make with co-workers. It's not. Sharing salary information gives every employee more power In a world of "information asymmetry," those who hold the data hold the power. It's
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My company wanted to move faster. "Why aren't we building new things as fast our forecast?" we shouted, shaking our fists at the sky. Then we hit on a brilliant idea! Let's add variable compensation incentive plans! This was GENIUS. People would work much
Conflict at work is inevitable. In a fast-paced environment with multiple projects and individual goals, signals get missed, wires get crossed, priorities clash. So I have one rule as a manager: You can't complain ABOUT someone until you complain TO them Most conflict at work isn't
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If you're not productive enough your boss will put you on a performance improvement plan. Thirty days to shape up or you're fired. After all, you made a deal to do your job in exchange for money. But what happens when the deal no longer works
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Working hard is a great way to advance in your career. What isn't obvious is HOW you should work hard. The best way to get noticed, build new skills and make yourself indispensable isn't to do more of your own job—it's to find
ideas & advice
Love your job? Super! Go interview somewhere else. Seriously. Go to LinkedIn or Indeed, find a great role at another company, and apply. It's real-world market research Your current company may say they use some magic formula for determining salaries, but you won't really know what