90 Pieces of Advice for 90 Days
One of my favorite parts of working at TeamSnap is the opportunity to mentor people. It's how I learn the most. Before I head out on sabbatical next week, here are 90 pieces of advice I shared with the company for the 90 days I'll be gone.

One of my favorite parts of working at TeamSnap is the opportunity to mentor people. It's how I learn the most. Before I head out on sabbatical next week, here are 90 pieces of advice I shared with the company for the 90 days I'll be gone.
- Nobody knows what you’re thinking. Say out loud what you want and what you need.
- Despite the previous advice, most of us imagine that we know exactly what other people are thinking. We’re probably wrong.
- Most deadlines are fake. If there aren’t consequences attached to missing it, it’s not a real deadline.
- The best gift you can give a co-worker is candid feedback.
- Just because the CEO says he thinks something is a good idea doesn’t mean he thinks you should go do it. The CEO thinks lots of things are good ideas in the abstract.
- Public thanks and recognition are 10,000 times more valuable than a gift card.
- Collaboration is beautiful, but every project needs a final decision maker. Many projects spin out of control because nobody knows who owns the final decision.
- Most meetings waste most of the attendees’ time. If you own a meeting, own it.
- If a meeting isn’t useful to you, leave. Or don’t attend in the first place.
- Most status updates are more effective in writing than via a meeting.
- If you’re not constantly learning new skills, you’re falling behind.
- You can expense an almost unlimited number of books to help you with your career. Despite this, most employees expense exactly zero books.
- The larger the project, the harder it should be to get approved.
- If you don’t know why you’re being asked to do something, don’t start until you find out.
- Ask “Why?” often.
- If you don’t understand something, ask. It’s 99% likely others also don’t understand but are too embarrassed to ask the question.
- Invest in learning to write in plain English. It’s a superpower.
- Similarly, do whatever it takes to get over your fear of speaking in public. Communication skills are rocket fuel for your career.
- Assume positive intent. Most people are trying to do the right thing, even if it rubs you the wrong way.
- When you’re not happy with someone else, the best person to talk to about it is that someone else.
- Ask for what you want, even if you don’t think you’ll get it. Often you will, but if you don’t ask you never will.
- Discussing your salary is never something you should be shy about. Most employees treat it like a horrible taboo. It’s not.
- If you’re thinking about leaving, tell your manager. Maybe the things you want are available here.
- If you’re somebody’s manager and they surprise you by leaving, you didn’t have a candid enough relationship with them.
- Tell the truth. Always. If you can’t tell the truth, be truthful about that.
- Plan for the first ten minutes of every meeting to be social time.
- The best way to reduce costs is to not do stuff in the first place.
- Doing one thing really well is usually better than doing lots of things half-assed.
- Most of us are smart enough to figure out how to do most things. Don’t be afraid to say yes just because you haven’t done something before.
- Add jokes everywhere you can. The world needs a laugh.
- One space after a period. Not two.
- If you are asking a person or a group to decide between several options, come in with your recommendation rather than simply presenting a list.
- Your manager is more worried about you leaving than you are about getting fired.
- If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no. For most everything.
- Two words we don’t use nearly enough are “I disagree.”
- Saying “I disagree” is healthy conflict. Acting with disagreement is unhealthy conflict.
- Your CEO and other leaders are dying for you to reach out and ask for a meeting.
- A list of priorities includes an order. If there’s no order, it’s just a list of ideas.
- The main advantage of working remotely isn’t “No pants.” It’s the ability to work asynchronously and get way more done than if everyone has to work at the same time.
- Company culture changes as we grow. This is only a bad thing if company culture changes in a bad way.
- Take real vacations. Unplug. Turn off Slack and email. Don’t think about work.
- Give tons of credit to others. It costs nothing and pays back multiple times over.
- It usually takes less time to test something with real customers than it does to argue everyone’s opinions about what customers might prefer.
- Admit when you’re wrong. Not just grudgingly but enthusiastically and publicly.
- You can always replace a semicolon with a period; if you can’t, it should probably be a comma.
- Read The Personal MBA and learn the basics of business, no matter what your job is.
- Stop being afraid to ask for better equipment to do your job. Your time costs the company thousands of dollars every week; a tiny improvement in efficiency pays off.
- Most job interviews are a bad way to figure out if someone can do the job. They’re a good way to figure out if you want to work with this person every day.
- Share more about your personal life with your coworkers. They do want to know.
- Most presentations would be better as a memo.
- There’s a difference between a slide deck that you’re sending someone to read and a slide deck you’re showing as part of a presentation. If you’re using the same deck for both, you’re doing it wrong.
- Most presentations do not need slides unless you have something that is best explained visually.
- Block out time on your calendar for focused work, not just for meetings. Also, for working out.
- Sometimes a person outgrows the company. Sometimes the company outgrows a person. This is natural and not a failure.
- Most people can take much more direct feedback than you imagine.
- If nobody ever tells you what you need to work on to improve at your job, you’re not hearing the truth. Everyone has things they need to work on.
- It’s hard to ship the minimum viable product unless everyone really believes they’ll get a chance to work on version two.
- Improving process doesn't feel like doing work, but it's often the most valuable work you can do.
- Hiring more people is often the least efficient way to get more done.
- There are no proper channels. Hierarchy is B.S. If you have something that leadership needs to know, just send a Slack or an email.
- Leadership needs to know a lot more than leadership ends up hearing.
- If you’re afraid that a question is too impertinent to ask, you should definitely ask that question.
- Most people have imposter syndrome most of the time. It’s not just you. We all think that we’re about to be found out.
- If something seems really time-consuming or inefficient to you, there’s probably an easier way to do it. Ask someone.
- If your team isn’t constantly reviewing the success or failure of past decisions, you’re very likely making the same mistakes again and again.
- If you keep asking your manager for permission to do things and they keep saying yes, maybe stop asking and just do the things.
- If you’re constantly having to give approval to do things, your people don’t have enough autonomy.
- Honestly, when your kids interrupt a meeting, it’s kind of delightful. That goes double for your pets.
- “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” - Steve Jobs
- Companies rarely regret over-investing in design.
- Most enterprise software sucks so bad.
- Infrastructure and Finance don’t get enough credit. Most jobs can have an off day. They can’t.
- Repetitive stress injuries are no fun. Invest in an ergonomically sound work environment.
- It’s OK to cry at work occasionally. It's not OK to cry at work all the time.
- If you can’t decide between option A and option B, there’s almost always an option C you haven’t thought about.
- If you have to talk yourself into hiring someone, don’t hire them.
- Projects running long and meetings running long are symptoms of the same problem.
- “We’ll worry about that later” always seems like a good plan at the time. Less so when later happens.
- Find someone to challenge your ideas and your beliefs. You’ll ultimately end up stronger.
- Your most strongly held beliefs are the ones most likely to be wrong.
- People respond predictably to incentives, with predictably unintended consequences.
- There is nothing more humbling than watching a customer use a product you designed.
- Spend more time with customers. Lots more time.
- Most advances in software development make it easier to do hard things and harder to do easy things.
- Humans are terrible at assessing risk. That’s why people are afraid of flying instead of afraid of driving to the airport.
- The best return on investment for one hour of your time is to learn the keyboard shortcuts for the software you use the most.
- Automate everything you can. At work and in life.
- Eat a healthy diet, get exercise, sleep a lot. Entire industries are built around helping you do each of those the “right” way. There is no right way.
- Replace social media, news consumption and TV with reading and creating. Watch your mood soar.
- Don’t put off happiness until the future. Start on your bucket list today.