Your job had better be awesome
Here's how you will spend your life:
- Your job — 90,000 hours.
- Sleeping — 230,000 hours.
- Family, eating, hobbies, travel, pets, faith, entertainment, sex, exercise, shopping, TikTok, waiting in line at the post office — Whatever time is left over.
You should love your career. Not like it. Not be OK with it. Love it.
Other than sleeping, you will devote more time to your career than any single thing you do
- Loving your career means not wasting those precious 90,000 hours on something that's just OK (or worse).
- Being properly compensated for your job means the difference between living the lifestyle you want and having to do without.
- Growing in your career means constantly feeling challenged, fulfilled and accomplished.
Despite all this, few people really know how to take control of their careers
- They stick with companies that are "fine" or "just a job."
- They avoid hard conversations with management about what they really want and how they really deserve to be compensated.
- They don't know how to manage their boss, build powerful relationships with peers and acquire the skills necessary to grow into new opportunities.
Getting better at your career is one of the most meaningful things you can do to improve your life
A great career isn't a nice-to-have. It's literally your ticket to loving your life, providing for your family, and being proud of your identity. After all, you don't just work as a programmer, a nanny or a rodeo clown. You ARE a programmer, a nanny or a rodeo clown.
I'm on a mission to give people the tools they need to manage their career. I hope you'll follow along and join me on this journey.