You should interview once a year even if you're not looking for a new job

You should interview once a year even if you're not looking for a new job
Photo by Sam McGhee / Unsplash

Love your job? Super! Go interview somewhere else.

Seriously. Go to LinkedIn or Indeed, find a great role at another company, and apply.

It's real-world market research

Your current company may say they use some magic formula for determining salaries, but you won't really know what you're worth on the open market until you find out what other companies are offering. Go find out.

It's your chance to window shop for a better role

Is your current job everything it could be? You won't know until you see what kind of work someone with your skills could be doing somewhere else.

Get better at interviewing

Most people are terrified about job interviews. Doing it a couple times a year when you don't even need the job takes off all the pressure. You'll get better for when it counts.

It's a forcing function for your résumé and portfolio

Nobody likes keeping their résumé and work samples up to date. Interviewing once a year gives you a deadline to make sure those don't fall horribly behind.

It's fun!

Who doesn't enjoy being courted? Or imagining a different life? Interviewing when you desperately need a job is stressful; interviewing when you don't really need the job is a kick in the pants.

And ultimately, you might decide to leave

The truth? Even if you love your current company, looking at other options can open your eyes as to whether your current situation is perfect … or just safe and familiar.

Most people don't go looking for a new job until they're fed up with their current company, or worse, until they're out of work.

Keep your options open—interview for a new job once a year.