When you go on vacation, go on vacation
You work hard. You're a dedicated employee. Sometimes you put in nights and weekends.
So when you go on vacation, your instinct is going to be to "check in" just to make sure everything is OK.
Unplug fully when you go on vacation
Turn off your notifications. Log out of your accounts. Take apps off your phone. Do whatever it takes to make sure you cannot and will not check in on work while you're on vacation. Your goal: do not think about your job for the entire vacation.
You'll come back stronger
It might be hard to believe, but NOT thinking about work for a week or two is the best way to let your subconscious make new connections. Some of my best insights have come after completely ignoring work during a vacation. The brain needs a recharge.
It stress tests your company
Going radio silent while on vacation is important for your company, too. It will quickly highlight where backup is needed for critical path tasks and responsibilities. A company where someone being offline for a week seriously damages team productivity is a company that is dangerously brittle.
Leave a contact number
You aren't going to check in AT ALL, but do leave a way for the company to contact you, whether that's a number they can text or a hotel front desk where they can leave a message. You'll sleep easier knowing that someone could get in touch with you in an emergency.
Relax. Unwind. Come back stronger.
There are lots of ways to hustle in order to get ahead in your career. Staying partially plugged in during vacation isn't one of those. Give yourself a recharge a few weeks a year—when you go on vacation, completely unplug from work.