Use one simple tweak to become irresistible at your next job interview

Use one simple tweak to become irresistible at your next job interview
Photo by Kenny Eliason / Unsplash

I've interviewed hundreds of people during my career, and one thing has separated the most memorable conversations from the least memorable:

They were conversations.

The best candidates turn job interviews into discussions.

Your curiosity shows me how you think

It doesn't matter whether I'm hiring a designer, a sales rep, or an accountant, I'm looking for a smart person who can gather information, identify opportunities and think strategically. The kinds of questions you ask demonstrate the kind of thought you'd bring to the team.

Be the expert

The questions you ask show me you understand the challenges we're facing. They give me a sense for how you think about solving problems. They let me picture you actually doing the role. Follow up your questions by showing your expertise on the situation.

Make it a give and take

Don't wait. Saving your questions for the end misses a golden opportunity to turn an inquisition into a conversation. As soon as something piques your interest, ask and discuss. Bonus: you'll be less nervous when it's not all them grilling you.

Conversation, not canned questions

Your interviewer has heard "What keeps you up at night?" a thousand times. Don't come prepared with a list of questions you got from the internet. Let your curiosity guide the conversation.

Remember to listen

The best interviews aren't just two people lobbing questions back and forth. They're genuine conversations were you explore how you and the company might fit well together. It's a win-win when everybody walks away knowing each other better.

Don't just be a passive interviewee—make it a conversation.