If you can do the job you should apply for the job

If you can do the job you should apply for the job
Photo by Mina Rad / Unsplash

You've found your dream role.

The only problem: they ask for a bunch of experience you don't have.

Apply anyway.

Most job requirements are fake

When companies put together job descriptions they throw in every requirement under the sun. Most of these requirements are nice-to-haves, not must-haves. Don't be dissuaded from applying just because you fail to check every box.

Companies are looking for smart, talented people

Sure you're not going to get hired as a computer programmer if you've never programmed a computer before. Or a heart surgeon if you never went to medical school. But a whole lot of jobs fall into a gray area where smart people with a range of skills can quickly figure them out.

Ignore “Years of experience” requirements

Time spent doing a job is a terrible proxy for talent. Most managers would rather hire someone who crushed a job for one year than barely skated by for five. Any time you read that a certain number of years are required, take that with a huge grain of salt.

Applying to the wrong job can lead to the right job

Another reason to apply—many job openings aren't listed publicly. Even if you're not the right fit for one job, the hiring team may notice that you're perfect for another. There's no penalty to applying, but huge potential to miss out on opportunities if you don't.

Skills > Job Titles

The skills you've built over you career can easily transfer to different roles. Don't panic if the job titles aren't the same. As a smart person you can easily bring your skills to a new role—often with a fresh perspective.

Don't be intimidated by overblown job descriptions—always apply anyway.