Brief Annotated Highlights From My Online Medical Record
I recently underwent a CAT scan, MRI, surgery and numerous physical therapy appointments as the result of youthful exuberance at the gym…
I recently underwent a CAT scan, MRI, surgery and numerous physical therapy appointments as the result of youthful exuberance at the gym…
ideas & advice
Dear Real Name of Person Who is Hiring For This Job, I’m writing to express my strong interest in the position of The Job Title. Here’s one sentence about why I’m the perfect candidate for this job based on my experience. This sentence talks about why I’
Recently, based on reader feedback, Marie Kondo published a revised and updated version of the bestseller The Life-Changing Magic of…
The following is a binding agreement between Lola (hereafter referred to as “Cat”) and Andrew Berkowitz (hereafter referred to as “Owner”)…
November 9, 2020 at 3:41 p.m. Hi everyone … things have gotten a bit too real here and I’m craving actual human contact. Taking a break…
A Review and Photo Essay
1. The trunk of Jimmy “Little Fingers” Colucci’s Lincoln Town Car (Continental Edition), two hours after an untimely missed field goal that failed to cover the spread in the Browns-Vikings Thursday Night Football game. 2. Seat 16B of an oversold Somon Air Ilyushin Il-114 regional jet (“Tajikistan’s Low